Prompt A and B

Prompt A:
What does it mean to be an “infinite” person? Describe either someone you know personally or a famous person in our culture who seems to fit that label. Are YOU an “infinite” person? If so, how? If not, why not?

Prompt B:
Complete the following critical analysis:

1. Name either (choose only one) a contemporary painting, sculpture, movie, or live performance and its author that you feel is a good piece of work.
2. Describe the aesthetic qualities of this artwork as to why it is pleasing to you, or beautiful to you.
3. How does this work create empathy for you? Explain.
4. What is the purpose or intent of this work? (If you can’t determine the meaning or intent by viewing or experiencing this art, research its meaning.)
5. What is the “context” of this work? (Again, here you must complete some research. Who is the central artist? Why does she or he create in such a manner? Remember, this is the “backstory” of the artist.)
6. Do you think this work of art will someday be considered a masterpiece? Why or why not?
7. Will the author of this artwork be considered a “giant” of the arts? Why or why not?