Biology week #3

The transformative change that was discussed in this chapter was culture.  Choose 1 of the following questions to answer related to some of the major changes that were seen in the upper paleolithic era compared to the lower. Include 2 sources for areas where you found supporting information, the book can not be considered a source.  Regardless of what question you answer, also include what you learned in this chapter that was most interesting to you!
What were the differences in food and cooking that have been discussed? What new skills have been acquired during the upper paleolithic era and how did this impact their society and bodies.
Art was one of the new ideas brought up in this chapter, What did we see as differences between the neanderthals and the homo sapiens in reference to culture and art?
Communication and differences in how different people (neanderthals vs. homo sapiens) communicated during this time were discussed in detail.  Explain these changes and what we sacrificed for our communication skills.  How do you think modern communications such as social media have shaped our communication now?
Brain sizes were compared in this chapter between different populations and apes/chimps.  Explain what changes were seen and why it is difficult for us to study these brains now.