ECO372-Assignment 3

(a) Estimate the OLS relationship between cistern ownership and clientelist private goods requests of citizens to politicians, with and without the inclusion of municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40). Interpret the results. [1 pt].
[Hint: use regress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using cluster(clusters) option]

(b) Estimate the effect of random assignment to the treatment group on (a) the probability of receiving a cistern (firststage) , as well as on (b) the probability of making private requests to political representatives during the electoral period (reduced form), including municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40) Interpret the results. [2 pts]
[Hint: use regress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using cluster(clusters) option]

(c) Estimate the effect of receiving a cistern on private requests exploiting the random assignment to the treatment group as an instrumental variable for cistern ownership, , including municipality fixed effects (ImunID2ImunID40) Interpret the results. How does this IV estimate relate to the estimates from question b above? [4 pts]
[Hint: use ivregress command; cluster standard errors at the neighborhood cluster level using vce(cluster clusters) option]