1. Your Name:

2. Student Number:

3. Email address:

4.Title of proposed project:
Developing Research instrument and Pilot study

5. What is the aim of the project? (there should only be 1 Aim)
To develop the research instrument and conduct pilot study to validate it.

6. What are objectives of the project (There should be at least 3 or 4 objectives, and these should be SMART).
1. To review the current quality domains in practice in healthcare sector in Amman, AD.
2. Develop a questionnaire to identify/understand the missing quality domains
3. Conduct pilot study of the questionnaire to ensure its validity
4. To update the research instrument in response to feedbacks through pilot study

7. What are the learning outcomes of your project? (There should be at least 3 or 4 learning outcomes as a result of the project)
[To help with this section – what will you learn as a result of the project?]

How to develop/design a research instrument
How to conduct pilot study and solicit critical feedback from participants
How to aggregate the feedback to update the research instrument.


8. What criteria will help you determine whether the learning outcomes have been achieved?
[To help with this section – what will tell you that the anticipated learning took place and the learning outcomes are achieved?]
The following criteria are considered as success factors:
Successful development of questionnaire that envelops the breadth and depth of the field
To choose an appropriate method to select pilot study research participants
Getting critical and constructive feedback to improve the research instrument

9. What is the project rationale? (approximately 500 words)
[To help with this section –How does this project fit with your doctoral investigation and or advance your academic and professional practice? What is the relevance to your organisation/workplace? ]
Why is it worthwhile to research this issue?
What is the problem or issue you have identified for examination?
Why is it important?
How does this topic help inform your Doctorate?
What information will you gather that will be useful and that does not already exist elsewhere?
How will your research complement or illuminate the data that is already available?
Why are you doing the study?
What is the problem/issue that you are going to research?
Who will benefit from your research and why?
Who are you going to research?
Where are you going to research?

10. A brief review of relevant literature (approximately 500 words)
[To help with this section – Critically evaluate recent and relevant research that has addressed similar issues to those covered in your objectives. A minimum of 10 key publications should be cited)]
Suggested book: Research methods for Business Students (by Mark Saunders)
Search term:
developing a questionnaire for qualitative research,
research survey design
Importance of pilot study of questionnaire

11. Provide a concise outline of research methodology, including justification for choices (approximately 500 words)
Stage 1: Literature review to develop conceptual understanding of how to develop research questionnaire.
Stage 2: Develop/design the research instrument (questionnaire).
Stage 3: Pilot study
Profiling and choosing research participants
Conducting the pilot study
Stage 4: Updating the research instrument.
11.1 Research Strategy
For example:
Is the research applied (specific or general) or theoretical?
Is the research completely new, a new application of existing research, a new insight into existing research, or a meta-analysis?
What academic disciplines are involved?
Is it qualitative, quantitative, or both?
Is it multi method, mono method, or mixed method?
Why is this better than others for your investigation?
The research project is both the theoretical and applied as it first review the literature to develop the research instrument and further validate it through pilot study.
The project is completely new ad contributes directly to the doctoral project. The project involved Management/ leadership discipline.
The developed research instrument will be designed for analysis using mixed method approach where both the qualitative and quantitative methodologies are applied. It will help understand the problem in depth while capturing feedback for improvement, at the same time quantitative aspects will help understand the scale of the problem.
The developed research questionnaire will be developed on MS Forms platform and the participants will be invited through e-mail to complete the survey at their convenience. The research participants will be the employees and users (patients) of the Department of health of Amman, JORDAN.
The survey will collect information regarding participant’s experience of health sector in Amman, as well as their opinion for potential improvements.

11.2 Research Design
For example:
What data will you collect?
How will you collect it?
When do you intend to collect it?
Where do you intend to collect it?
From whom?
Possible representation of the research design is illustrated in the table below

Data Collection Method Reason for choice of method Population Size Sample Size Sample Criteria Data Collection

12. Ethical Considerations
[To help with this section –you might provide considerations for data access, consent, requirements for ethical clearance from the host organisation/sector regulator, information to research participants, research participants selection, project disclosure, giving advice, debriefing, withdrawal from the study, other]
The research instrument will comply with the ethical regulation of Department of Health (DoH), Amman, Jordan and a consent will be signed by the quality manager in DoH. An ethical approval from the University of Derby will be obtained prior to the actual roll-out of the research instrument. The survey will ensure participant’s anonymity and that no personal/sensitive is collected.
Research participants will be debriefed, and a consent will be solicited prior to participating in the survey. Participants have full right to withdraw from the survey without providing any explanation. Once the survey is submitted, it will not be possible for participants to request a withdrawl of their responses, as the survey will be anonymous, and no responses can be singled out.
The survey will not provide any advice to the participants.

13. Project Plan – a Gantt chart showing the major activities you need to undertake to complete this project on time. A minimum of 7 activities is expected for the plan to reasonably reflect what you need to do to complete your project.
Activity Jan 2022 Feb. 2022 Mar. 2022 Apr. 2022 May 2022

14. References
[To help with this section – a full list of all the sources used in the proposal, presented using the Harvard system of referencing )]
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