Public Health Paper

You will prepare a 5-page paper, 1500 word maximum (5 pages of information. Cover pages, abstracts, and references DO NOT count towards this requirement). There are specific spacing and font requirements (see below). DO NOT change margins, font sizes, and increase spacing to make your paper fit the 10-page requirement.

Answer the following questions in your paper:
1. What area or areas of Public Health Science appeal to you most? Why? **Be specific. DO NOT say “I like it" and leave it at that.
• Community Health because you can make an impact in your local community

2. What area or areas of Public Health Science are least appealing to you? Why? **Be specific. DO NOT say “I don’t like it" and leave it at that.
• All the areas are important to Public Health Science.

3. What do you feel are the four (4) biggest challenges facing public health/health care services in the United States? **Provide specific examples and research. DO NOT say, “Because people need health care and don’t have it.”

4. What are two (2) recommendations for solving any one of the four biggest challenges you noted in 3.? **Provide specific recommendations. DO NOT say, “If people would pay for insurance, they would have it.” That is obvious! But there are reasons that simple solution does not happen…tell me about those reasons.