Firm and Country Level Analysis- Bloomberg

1. Firm-Level Analysis – TESLA
Students are required to choose the accounts of a Public Listed Company (plc) for a period of at least three years and for whom firm level information is available within the Bloomberg Database. Generate a report on the chosen company by self-study using academic resources and Bloomberg Database. The analysis should cover the following:
Use Bloomberg Functions to find out the capital structure of the chosen company and discuss the cost of capital and its implications on the value of the firm; – 10%
Trace the change of share price and illustrate the risk and return of the company in the market; – 10%
Identify a piece of related news and (e.g., using economic and financial theory) explain its impact on the share price; – 10%
Analyze the relationship between the performance of the chosen company and a relevant market benchmark index (e.g., FTSE100 Index) over the sample period (The use of quantitative techniques will merit more marks). – 10%

2. Country-Level Analysis- USA

Students need to choose the country where the above company’s headquarters is located and for whom country level information is available within the Bloomberg Database. Generate a report on the chosen country by self-study using academic resources and Bloomberg Database. The analysis should cover the following:
Discuss the international monetary environment of the chosen country (such as history, exchange rate regime, the role of the central bank in the foreign exchange market, exchange rate crises) and the effects of international trade flows; – 10%
Discuss the impact of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008/09 on the chosen country’s economy (for example, students can explore the bond market and plot yield curves in their discussions); – 10%
Comment on the impact of Covid-19 on the chosen country’s economy; – 10%
Provide an overview of the chosen country’s currency on the foreign exchange market; – 10%
Provide country-level insights on the chosen company and its future. – 10%
Structure and presentation of the report – 10%