Generate all of the possible reasons the main character should have acted as he did as well as all of the reasons why the main character should not have acted as he did.After the possible reasons have been generated, classify each of the reasons according to Kohlberg’s 6 levels of moral development.

Sean’s alarm didn’t go off this morning (or he forgot to set it), and now he is running late for his 8:00 psychology class. To make matters worse, the first exam in psychology is scheduled for this morning and he remembers that Dr. Woods had clearly stated at the beginning of the semester that no one would be admitted late to an exam.  Right now it’s 7:45 and Sean is still 10 miles from school on a two-lane country highway.  He realizes that if he still tries to make it to class on time, he will have to speed.  He will also have to pass slower cars on a narrow, winding highway with limited visibility and considerable traffic; he could be placing himself and others at risk.  If he decides not to speed, he will be late and will have to accept the consequences from Dr. Woods, which could include an “F” on the exam.  After thinking about the dilemma for a moment, he puts his foot on the gas in an attempt to make it by 8:00.