Leadership and Change

CH 10, Question 1.

(a) Before you read details in the textbook, describe the best team experience you had. Also, describe the worst team experience you had. What makes them the best and the worst team experiences for you? What was the leader’s role in those teams?

(b) Now, check the textbook definitions of

(1) types of teams,

(2) team development,

(3) cohesiveness,

(4) norm, and

(5) team member roles. How can you describe your best and the worst team based on those team characteristics?

(c) Compare your answer (a) and (b). Based on your answer (a), what should we discuss more for team characteristics and leadership?

CH 11, Question 2.

(a) Do you have any experience with your leader who is (was) trying to accommodate the needs of diverse groups in your workplace? Was there any conflict? How did it go? If you do not have experience or examples, Share your thoughts about the meatpacking plant example in CH 11-5a The Sociocultural Environment.

(b) How can leaders accommodate the needs of diverse groups without offending other groups or appearing to show favoritism?