1. NEWS 2 what does this mean and what is the actions that you need to consider?

2. Principles of Assessment revisited these and what are the importance of these and support this with the
literature in relation to assessing the deteriorating patient?

3. Why are the frameworks important when assessing the deteriorating patient using the literature to
support your actions.

4. Airway

Things to consider when assessing the airway what framework will you use?

How do you manage an obstructive airway?

What are the important aspects of maintaining a patent airway?

Use the literature to support what you are doing?

5. Breathing

What framework are you going to use and each of the elements what are you going to be looking for?

What will you want to act on after assessing the respiratory assessment?

What management would you want to do for your patient in relation to SaO2 and respiratory rate?

Use the literature to support what you are discussing in relation to the devices you want to use or what do
they mean for your patients care?

What other interventions would you loke to do for your patient relating to the scenario if any?

6. Circulation

Measure primary and secondary vital signs