
Write a report in which you answer the following questions. Be sure to use your own words, be specific, and provide examples. Your report must be in the following format:

1. Identify and describe one form of violence discussed in the chapter (e.g. child abuse, interpersonal violence, elder abuse, emotional abuse, etc.). In your description, make sure to explain how factors such as gender, race, age, or
socioeconomic status play into who perpetuates and who experiences this form of violence. (7 points)

2. Compare and contrast how this form of violence persists in the United States and at least two other countries discussed in the chapter. It may be helpful to draw comparisons between countries that differ greatly in terms of their
economies, gender norms, family dynamics, etc. (7 points)

3. Drawing on what we have previously covered in this class, choose a theory or concept that helps explain why the form of violence you have chosen exists. Some example concepts may be any of the feminist theories, world systems
theory, industrialization, globalization, etc. (7 points)