Assignment: An Evidence Based Nursing review

This assignment is based on the content and group work of workshops 3 and 4. Using an EBN question of your choice, you will complete the EBN cycle together as a group, summarising your work in a padlet presentation to the whole tutorial group at the end of workshop 4 (note: the presentation does not form part of the assessment).

Following the workshops, you will then work individually to write up your EBN review into a report. The report should include:

Summary of EBN Review to include
Search strategy
Search Outcome
Critical Appraisal of evidence
Discussion of evidence
Clinical bottom line
Strategy for Implementation of findings
Reflection on learning

Suggested layout of report

Provide some context for your assignment related to both EBN and the clinical context of the question you have chosen.

Summary of EBN Review
Your EBN review should be approximately one A4 page and could be laid out in a style similar to a BestBets review. For an example view the BestBets website (

Strategy for Implementation of Findings
Based on your own conclusion and answer to the question, outline your plans for dissemination and implementation and what the next steps would be. This will be related to how strong or weak the evidence was to support a change in practice. What might the barriers to implementation be? Would a QI project be required to effect change and what would the role of the nurse be in this?

Reflection on Learning
This was your first EBN review. Reflect on your learning, what went well, what would you do differently? How will you develop your learning from here?