Step 1
Research the target customer segment using credible sources (consider using the online University Libraries) to discover how your chosen segment uses and what they expect from mobile devices. It’s very possible that you’ll find information that only indirectly affirms their expectations and uses. Use this credible information (and not just your opinions) to draw conclusions about what the customer segment needs from your brand. Consider both functional and psychological needs (you learned about these in the Principles of Marketing class).

Step 2
In 2–3 well-written paragraphs, discuss your conclusions and provide cited support for the conclusions.

Step 3
At the end of the document that you create in Step 2, create a positioning statement that specifically addresses the needs of your target customer segment. You should use your value proposition to help you complete the lines of the template that directly address the brand. Note that you may not be able to literally copy and paste your value proposition to the positioning statement template, but the positioning statement should align with—and not contradict—the value proposition.