Designing a logistic model for a complex logistic situation in Costa Rica

Chapter 1: Introduction
For this you can use the part until literature review in the Project Plan. Furthermore, use the documents: Chopra & Meindl Information and KPIs Elaboration.

Chapter 2: How does the logistic system work in Costa Rica?
Can we get Real Estate sales data to forecast customer demand?
Can we get relevant information on depot selection?
Can we get relevant information about the transportation system?

Use and expand the excel sheet: DataSet and the document Chapter 2 – Data Gathering of the Costa Rican Network.

Chapter 3: Literature review
Which methodologies are used in similar problems?
What theories exist to solve these problems?
What methods have been used to solve these problems in history?
Which method are we going to apply to our research?

Use the Literature Review provided in the Project Plan. Check the feedback of my professor to improve the Literature Review.

Chapter 4: The Mathematical Model
Workout the model in mathematical terms.