Find a theme and datasets for a small project of Web-GIS software and create your webGIS on the there web software listed down.

Use the web-GIS
Mango Map
ArcGIS online
An additional one of YOUR own choice!
Find a resource of data you can download and an idea for simple project attraction places in Manchester and surrounded city and you may find Shapefile from any organization such as city council.
Create your dataset and find the theme.
A plane of flow chart to define the steps such ….
Create your GIS this project on the 3 different above 3 applications.
Print power point slides including example of how your steps apply in each web application.
Attach the links of each application.
Some sort of assessment for using the the three applications in away where you put criteria from 1 to 10 for example. (, more attractive, how easy to use, limitation , missing , things you would like to there, functionality(like some web application is simple where the other one like esri’s ArcGIS online is a little bite more interactive functionality where that date is put in it)

Extra explain for the steps:
• Application – do the research first! (30 DAY trials)
• Prepare a plan in the form of a flow chart first that clearly
defines the steps (method) you will use.
• Signup to Web-GIS
• Complete Tutorials
• Make your own Web-GIS (for Each Web-GIS software)
• SUBMISSION: Make a Powerpoint Presentation (PPTX) documenting the process undertaken
including examples of each.