Application of Epidemiology in Community Health Nursing

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate utilization of epidemiology research related to the health of the community.

Assignment Guidelines

Determine a specific population that you would like to have more information about, this should be the same population chosen for assignment 1 and the one you anticipate to use for assignment 3 and 4).

Use the University Library Databases to search the epidemiology literature. Students will:

Find an applicable research article on your chosen topic.

Summarize and critique your chosen research article.

Consider how this research could be integrated into nursing practice.

Your work will achieve the maximum value/grade if it is succinct and insightful and clearly shows how you have applied the theory learned to a practical situation.

Your critique should include, but is not limited to the following:

What type of study design is it? Provide rationale.

Are the findings reported consistent with information/knowledge that you have? Do the reported relationships make sense?

If reported, how strong is the observed association?

Would you incorporate the findings of this study into your community health nursing practice (i.e., the health promotion program that you are planning) or recommend this study to others? Provide rationale.

What further research question(s) would you develop in relation to this study and/or your observations?