Use motivation or ethics as the main theme of the paper

Write a short thought paper about a topic related to current management issues.
You will need to apply relevant theories discussed in class and do some outside research (enough to support your arguments).
Examples of possible approaches:
Describe what you would do differently (if anything) if you were (or might be) faced with the same situation described and why that course of action would be effective based on what we have learned.
Or describe a situation that you found confusing when it occurred, but that makes sense to you now that you have more management knowledge. In that case, you would explain the situation and explain how you have made sense of it based on specific class theories and concepts. Another type would be to ask yourself: what is the biggest challenge that I have faced/will face with respect to this issue? What have I learned in this class that can help me overcome this challenge?
The goal of the assignment is to apply knowledge from the course to your actual or possible experiences at work. These are just examples.