A critical Analysis of Safeguarding policy and practice as it relates to a Professional Setting

Writing and structuring the essay
All essays need:
1. An introduction (What is your focus? what are the aims for the essay? Do you need to offer any definitions of key words?)
2. To locate the issue in the relevant historical context (ie don’t just talk about the history of child protection generally, it needs to relate to the specific chosen focus. Think about the path that history has taken in relation to your focus to bring us up to where we are today, with evidence) 1&2 = approx. 800 words
3. To locate the focus in the current situation: are there any current cases you want to highlight without going into description, with evidence of reading done 3 = approx. 500 words
4. To Locate the issue in the political and legal/policy context too (again relevant to the focus).
– Why was this policy, legislation or guidance needed? How did it come about and why?
– What are the key elements of the policy? Are these applied in practice/ [how do you know? What’s the evidence]
– How effective are these in terms of safeguarding children/adults? [how do you know? What’s the evidence?]
– Is it fit for purpose or does the policy need to change [how do you know? What’s the evidence?]
– What’s YOUR view? [what’s your evidence base for your view?] 4 = approx 1500 words
5. Make recommendations: what, if anything, would you recommend to change the policy/legislation?
6. A Conclusion: remember not to include anything new in the conclusion. This should be a clear, concise summary of your main arguments. 5&6 = approx. 700 words


7. References
– should be listed in alphabetical order
– Needs to list everything referred to in your assignment
– does not count towards the word count.