“The Accidental Masterpiece, On the Art of Life and Vice Versa” by Michael Kimmelman

You need to get the amazon kindle app to access the book

After reading the entire book provide a chapter by chapter reaction. Give a brief synopsis of the content and your reaction. Include such themes as:

Why is/isn’t this about art?

How did you feel when reading this chapter?

Was this about a “healthy’ relationship with art? How did the art in this chapter affect its creator? What element of art was this chapter dealing with?

Why do you think Kimmelman gave the title “The Accidental Masterpiece” to this book?

Have you ever created an accidental masterpiece? Do you know anyone who has? Have you ever seen one-where and when? Explain thoroughly.

Now select the chapter you most identified with and expand upon it. Do some research about the content, artist,technique. Explain why you chose this chapter. Include images if you feel they are helpful.

What is your overall impression of the book? Has it changed your idea of what Art is?

This paper is to be 4-6 12point double spaced pages, not including images.

Make sure you proofread and give original thoughts. If you use other sources give them credit. Wikipedia is not an acceptable resource for this class. Avoid using amazing and awesome when describing art.