Psalms Paper- Psalms 40

RESEARCH PAPER (100 points)
Each student who desires to earn an A for the semester is required to write a research paper over a psalm from the list of the psalms.
That means, this assignment is optional. If you are fine with less than an A for the semester, you don’t have to write a paper.

Choose a psalm you will be working on, build a strong bibliography that reflects the current Psalms studies, and write an Annotated Bibliography before working on your paper.

The length of the paper should be 8 to 10 pages, double-spaced, with footnotes ideally, but for non-Bible majors, parenthetical notes are acceptable as long as both author’s name and page numbers are included.
Your paper should include a brief (1 page long) introduction to the current Psalms studies (keep in mind that your target audience is fellow students who have not done any academic study of the Psalms and thus have no idea what the paradigm shifts in Psalms studies mean), the genre, structure, and plot of your psalm, its theological teaching, and how it functions in the Psalter (at least a page), specifically in the book in which your psalm is placed.