Contested Waters Book Review

The book review format for this class is most likely unlike any that you have done before. Therefore, read the following directions carefully The review will consist of two pages, and only two pages, typed, single spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font. The first page will list by number and answer the six points described below. The second page will consist of a concise (but thorough) summary of the book’s content with your assessment of its quality. A good review must be written Ina clear, concise narrative that is free of typographical errors, misspellings, and grammatical difficulties. Please submit your review as a file attachment. Place your name at the top of page one along the right hand margin and give the current date. The standard bibliographical reference should appear at the top of the page, and follow this format:

Wiltse, Jeff. Contested Wafers: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007. Your review should identify and discuss the following six factors:

1 The Author Who is the author and what are his/her qualifications for writing this book? (e g , other major publications, academic history, other relevant experiences?)

2 Topics and Scope Describe the scope of the book and its subject. Often the tale does not convey the chronological or topical range of a book. Are there important aspects of the subject that have been overlooked?

3 Sources What are the major sources used by the author? Take a look at both the End Notes as well as the book’s introduction to identity the sources the author uses

4 Thesis What is the central concept or argument upon which the author built his narrative? Does the author adequately prove the thesis? Is the thesis ideologically driven or does it grow naturally out of the narrative’s documentation? Do you agree or disagree with the thesis? (Note the thesis should not be confused with the topic and scope of the book)

5 Style How effectively does the authors narrative present the information? Does the style make the subject come to Life, make the contents of the book meaningful? Is the book well organized? Is it too wordy, too brief, repetitive, concise, clear, or vague? Did the style make this an enjoyable read?

6. Contribution to Knowledge Flow does the book add to your understanding of the subject? Does it challenge, modify or complement other books or things you have learned relate to this subject?

Remember, after addressing these six points on the first page, you should provide a concise but thorough summary of the book and your assessment of its quality on the second page. I expect that you review should take up all of each page. Your Book Review is due Thursday Dec 9 at 11 59 p m