Social Media’s Influence on Body Image

It is very easy for many young women to compare themselves to the images of models, celebrities, and influencers without realizing just how damaging the comparison is to themselves. Mostly everything that is posted on social media has gone through some extent of editing. Not even the people who post edited photos of themselves look like that and they know it. The harm that is caused to the audience of social media is unhealthy and can only lead to issues with their own bodies. The comparison of bodies, why certain body parts do not look like those they view on the internet. Unnecessary surgeries taking place for women who do not need it. Plastic surgery is very normalized within this generation and most of it is due to social media glorifying it. The purpose of this research paper is to unravel the affects of social media on the youth by responding to the following questions:

1.) Why is the youth so easily influenced by social media?
2.) In what ways has social media caused for insecurity to increase?
3.) What are the affects of issues with body image?
4.) Does social media lead to most body issues?