Choose a contemporary public relations campaign :

Option #1 (PR Campaigns)
• Blue Origin’s “Fly to Space” campaign
• VanMoof’s “Ride the Future” campaign
• The Trudeau government’s assault rifle buyback
• Burger King’s “A Day Without Whopper” campaign
• Carlsberg’s “Adopt a Keg” campaign
• COP26 and the “phase down” vs. “phase out” of coal

Once you have chosen your campaign of interest, actively follow its digital promotion and the campaign’s use of its websites and social media platforms as public relations tools. In essence, you are to follow and analyze the digital promotion of your chosen public relations campaign.

Write up your analysis as a paper (10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length), being sure to integrate the any of the following concepts:
o Framing Theory
o The CEO Celebrity
o Tribal Marketing / Cult Branding
o Market Orientations
o Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
o Open Branding / User Generated Branding
o Gruning & Hunt’s (1984) Four Models of PR
o The Public Sphere, Civil Society, & Social Capital
o Pseudo Events
o Hashtag Activism

as well as at least eight (8) additional relevant sources

Use the APA citation style.

– How should your PR paper be organized?

o Introduction & Background, Introduce your topic of study. Tell us why and how it fits into either Option #1. Establish the background and context of your topic.

o Theoretical Framework. Which concept(s) are you going to utilize to analyze your topic of study and why?

o Findings & Conclusions. Analyze your subject matter using the concept(s) and give the reader the key points/takeaways from your analysis. Be sure to answer the all-important “so what?” and “who cares?” about the relevancy of your project
and its findings.