Statistics Power Point Slides

❖ Article Presentation Description An 8-minute presentation (+ 2 minutes Q/A) of the reviewed article using PowerPoint slides (max 10 slides).

Requirement Point Value

Formatting Requirements

Identify the authors, title of article, and journal title  (5 pts.)

Use proper grammar  (5 pts.)

Appropriate font and spacing  (5 pts.)

Paper is appropriate length  (5 pts.)

Summary Requirements

Explain goal of the study (identify null vs. alternative hypothesis)   (10 pts.)

Explain study methodology   (10 pts.)

Describe results   (10 pts.)

List conclusions   (10 pts.)

Critical Review Requirements Discuss the importance of the statistical methods to the research project   (10 pts.)

Explain how the statistical methods used in the research are related to what we are discussing in this course   (10 pts.)

Explain how the author chose to present the data in this article. Was it presented in a way that was easy to understand? If not, how would you suggest the data be presented?   (10 pts.)

Discuss another possible approach to analysis of the data presented in the article, if possible. If you cannot think of an alternative approach, explain why the methods used in the article are appropriate for analysis of the data.   (10 pts. )

* Total point value will be converted to 5.