Miller Manufacturing Company (MMC)

Assume that you are the Director of Employee Benefits for the Miller Manufacturing Company (MMC) and report to the Senior VP of Human Resources.

Questions to Answer for your Boss:
What do you think the benefits strategy of MMC has been? How does the benefits strategy match what you know about the organization?
What do you think the benefits strategy of OY has been? How does the benefits strategy match what you learned about the company?
Identify 3 benefit challenges and 3 benefit opportunities that are apparent when looking at combining the benefit plans at the two companies?
Identify 3 benefit challenges and 3 benefit opportunities that would exist if the OY employees were to become covered by the MMC benefit program.
Identify 3 benefit funding opportunities that are available at either company.
Assume the acquisition of OY goes through. Select 3 benefit programs and provide your recommendation on harmonizing those programs for the combined company.
Assume the acquisition of OY falls through. Identify 3 benefit changes that should be considered by MMC anyway?

Remember, you are writing a business report to your Senior VP of Human Resources that he/she will share with the CEO. Make sure you write clear, concise, and carefully crafted and limit your work to no more than 3 to 4 pages.