Corruption and Health quality

Intended Module Learning Outcomes are:

Identify and provide a detailed rationale for a business proposal.
Critically examine literature on a public health/health and social care topic area using a systematic approach.
Formulate a business proposal that demonstrates a systematic approach to project planning.
Critically discuss issues concerning sustainability of a business proposal.
Critically examine personal learning through a process of reflection and reflexivity.
Critically defend a business proposal via a viva voce.

(Part A) an audio-recording of your responses to 4 viva voce questions lasting no longer than 20 minutes, allowing you to critically discuss/ justify the defined health care management issue identified within your Management Project and provide a defence of the proposed solution, demonstrating some depth of knowledge and critical evaluation of the issues and context in which the problem has arisen (audio file). The recording of your responses to the individual questions, must be continuous, without a break or editing. However you can pause the recording after you have finished each answer, before responding to the next question. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not exceed the permitted time of 20± 2 minutes, any material spoken after 22 minutes will not be marked. If evidence indicates that you have either paused the recording midway through your response to any question or edited it, your response for this question will be null and void.

(Part B) a transcript of the Audio-recording and reference list of citations referred to in the Viva Voce Responses (word document)
The four questions you will need to respond to are detailed later in this guidance, along with additional guidelines about making the audio recording.
This is NOT a PowerPoint presentation, you should not be using PowerPoint slides or other presentation media for this assessment. You will be responding to the 4 questions verbally. You may use cue cards, notes sheets or the annotated copy of your dissertation, if you wish, as an aide memoire to assist with your responses. However you should be sufficiently prepared to answer the questions without reading directly from your notes. Please remember it is not the breadth of knowledge you provide in your responses, but the depth and level of thinking demonstrated.

The recording of the introduction and your responses must last for 20 ± 2 minutes. This means that you are not allowed to edit your responses to individual questions, but are allowed to pause the recording in between responses. You are strongly advised to practice the recording of your responses so that you are satisfied with the version that you submit.