Choose ONE of the options (based on essays) below for your position paper:

“In Defense of Graffiti” (Alex Boyd)

Graffiti typically falls under two main categories. The first is the rambling, obscure and offensive type. The second type is more tangible, more political and accessible. It is the first type that generally creates negative associations and perceptions for graffiti. Alex Boyd examines the role of graffiti and defends its value. Many people feel that graffiti is a work or art and others argue that it is a crime. Take a clear position on the topic.

“Why are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This” (Lianne George)

George looks at the reasons for and effects of the eroticization of girlhood. She explains how things have changed for the worse for girls’ youth and the negative consequences involved. She argues that culture, marketing and media encourage young girls to dress in sexually provocative ways and use adult beauty products. Do you agree, with George, that allowing this opens up the possibility for young girls to dress and act in sexually provocative ways.

“Confessions of a Liberal Gun Owner” (Justin Cronin)

Cronin explores some of the complexities of gun ownership.