Western civilization 750CE to 1500CE

Double-space your work with one-inch margins on all sides. 12 point, Times New Roman font. Start each section on a DIFFERENT page with an appropriate heading-Section I, II, or III.

Final Portfolio Part I (20%) 1.25-1.5 pages.
History is one discipline that can be studied and appreciated by anyone with curiosity and interest whether in a college class or not. How has your personal understanding and appreciation of history changed or been widened during this semester? And how will you use the new knowledge and skills you’ve gained?

Final Portfolio, Part II (80%) 3.75-4.25 pages
History is, at its core, a study of change over time. And many things can be an engine of change in human society. Looking back at the period from 750 CE to 1500 CE (so from the period of Charlemagne through Renaissance), which would you argue is the most significant engine of change during this time: individuals, institutions, or ideas? In answering this question, you must focus on change over time. What changed from 750 CE to 1600 CE and WHY did that change occur? A C-level paper will focus on one individual or institution and describe it. An A-level paper will focus on change over time and examine WHY that change happened, and determine whether individuals, institutions, or ideas were more important in causing that change.
You MUST use at least FIVE of the sources from class preparation or the web resources in answering this question. Citations from Backman, while necessary for your paper, DO NOT count towards your five sources. Use in-text citations like this in the body of your paper (Backman, 68), (Euen, The Protestant Reformation, pdf file), and (Khan Academy, The Carolingian Renaissance, URL of site, accessed Nov. 3, 2020). Use the sources as evidence to bolster YOUR argument–do not use the sources to speak for you. Quoting at length is almost always a poor choice in an essay this short. If you look back at the class preps and the discussion board questions, you will realize that you do not need to do much–if any–preparation for this question. The class preps and discussion boards have been preparing you for this question. What you have to do now is put together the puzzle pieces you already have.
If Section II does not meet the length criteria, the highest score on this section will be a 70% (56 points out of a possible 80). If any sources not listed on the course website are included in any of the final portfolio, the score on the assignment will be zero.