Women’s Liberation Movement

Answer each question in 50 – 70 words:

1) Based on the Documentary on Women’s Liberation Movement, what were the issues that the movement brought up and how did the movement try to achieve its goals? Today, how far you think we have come and what remains to be done with regard to women’s right? In your answer consider the most recent MeToo movement.

2) How is race defined, according to Desmond and Emyrbayer and what are some of its most important characteristics? Most importantly, how racism and racial domination work. Explain in some detail institutional racism, interpersonal racism and the importance of symbolic violence in the perseverance of racial domination. What James Baldwin has to say regarding racism in America?

3) Racism is much broader than violence and epithets. It also comes in much quieter, everyday-ordinary and often very shuttle forms. Racism is often habitual, unintentional, commonplace, polite, implicit and well-meaning and not surprising is fraught with a number of misconceptions and misunderstandings. Identify and carefully explain some of the most popular fallacies surrounding racism and racial domination.

4) Democracy and politics go well beyond electoral politics and voting rights. Discuss the role of civil society and social movements in social change. In this context discuss the BlackLivesMatter movement; how it started, why it has distanced itself from the old black establishment, what are its demands, how it has changed politics? Base your response to Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s book.

5) The past few years or so, in the United States and abroad, we follow the rise of ideas and practices that bare many similarities with the fascism of 1930s and 40s. Based on Enzo Traverso’s interview what the two have in common or how do they differ? Provide some examples

6) What does Rodriguez describe as the “coloniality of migration” and how colonial European history relates to the current phenomenon described as “refugee crisis?” Furthermore, drawing from the film Who Is to Blame for the Refugee Crisis, what directions should we look at in order to better understand the reasons for the mass population movements of our times?