For this path, students will select a poet who was covered by the course and perform a voice and tone study on that author. Their essay must meet the above requirements as well as the following path-specific requirements.
1. Research a Poet’s Body of Work: Students who have selected the scholarly path must research 6-8 poems written by one author to construct a thorough analysis of the poet’s voice. One of the poems must be one that we have or will study this semester. The poet may be one from the supplemental readings or from the book. If you choose an author whose work tends to be longer than other poets (Think Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself”), then you may be allowed to focus on a smaller number of poems, but you will need to have written instructor approval.

2. An Annotated Bibliography: For this path, the student will also be required to submit a 4-source annotated bibliography showcasing some of the research being done for this project. This will not count toward page count of the final essay.

3. A Peer Review with their assigned Partner: Complete a peer review for the final project with a partner assigned by the instructor. (These peer review sessions must be completed a week before the paper is due, and the students will not be given class time to complete this portion of the assignment.)

4. Third Person Point of View: A majority of your essay should be written in third person, but you are permitted to use first person sparingly. Creative Path: For this path, students will create an 8-poem original collection and perform a voice and tone study on themselves and their collection. Their essay must meet the above requirements as well as the following path-specific requirements.
1. An 8-Poem Original Collection: Students who have selected the creative path must complete an 8-poem collection to analyze for this project. The student’s collection must include at least 2-3 form-specific poems, but the collection may have more than the allotted number of form-specific poems. Your collection will be graded and should display style and elements associated with poetry. Students will be provided with a rubric on how their collections will be graded. The poems must show the student was working and revising his or her work over the course of a 16 week-long 2000 level Poetry Course. The poems must be formatted properly, and each new poem should start on a new page. Students may also include a title for their overall collection but are not required to. The collection will not count toward page count. 2. Choose an Author who influenced your Poetic Voice: You must choose one author from this course who influenced your poetic voice (if you REALLY cannot find a single author who influenced your voice, you may choose someone not from this course, but must have instructor approval—as a heads up, Rupi Kauer and Dr. Suess will not be granted instructor approval.) You should include how this poet influenced your voice, but a large percentage of the paper should not focus on the author 3. A Peer Review with their assigned Partner: Complete a peer review for the final project with a partner assigned by the instructor. Students must submit both the rough draft and essay to the
instructor. (These peer review sessions must be completed a week before the paper is due, and the students will not be given class time to complete this portion of the assignment.) 4. First Person Point of View: You may use first person, but you must make sure that your paper does not become repetitive