Researching elderly hospital care is important because there are too many elderly patients that do not have a voice and they need someone to speak up and fight for them in receiving proper care.

1.  Why do a lot of elderly patients leave the hospital worse than when they were admitted?

2.  How come the hospital staff feels because the patient is elderly that they do not have to care for them as if it was a younger patient?

3.  Why hospital staff does not get the elderly out of bed or turn them to prevent bed sores?

4.  Why does this country overlook the harm of elderly medical care?

5.  Are we putting the cost it would take to train hospital staff to prevent poor treatment of elderly care?

Researching police brutality is important because we need to dig deeper to find out about police corruption, misconduct and a numerous of issues about what we can do to stop all these killings in America.

1.  How can we get police better training?

2.  Was adding body cameras helpful?

3.  How do we stop raciest policing?

4.  How do we stop excessive and abusive force by the police for people of color?

5.  When will police be held accountable for their actions?

6.  Why other policeman do not report misconduct of their colleague?