Discovery 3

Discovery 3 introduces you to WPA resources collected in the 1930s and presented here as Born in Slavery. This is one of the most important collections in our nation’s history of enslavement. The interviews and other materials accessed here feature prominently in scholarship, including two of our books this semester. You get to look at the sources themselves and see the stories told by people who knew enslavement when they were children or young adults.

Go to Born in Slavery and explore the three main areas (About this Collection, Collection Items, and Articles and Essays) curated at this site.

Pick one interview from any of the volumes accessed on the About this Collection page. However you want to pick an interview (your state or maybe somebody with your last name or the topics raised in the interview or really any reason) is fine. It is your choice. Write around 150 words to tell what is in the interview and why you chose it.

Pick one source (document or picture) from Collection Items page. Write around 150 words to describe the source and tell why you chose it.