Week 1

For this assignment, you will write and present a transcript that brings together the major points explored in your Weeks 5 & 7 deliverables.

This assignment is intended to explore various theories and influences regarding human development. You will use research skills and communicate and support your ideas using clear and logical writing.

Assignment Details:
Perform the following tasks:

Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lecture before attempting this assignment.

Complete one of the following options:

Option 1: Audio/Video Presentation
Using the project deliverables from weeks 5 and 7, create a script. Take the major points explored from the previous deliverables (origin and interpretation of the “The Saying” and its relevance to lifespan human from Week 5; and how ‘The Saying” applies to the person you researched for Week 7 and a description of the person’s stage of human development) and write the transcript of what you will be presenting. The transcript should be about a page long and should incorporate any feedback your instructor has given you. Include the text of the transcript in the Assignment Worksheet section on page 3.

Create your audio visual presentation by first following the recording instructions to set up an account on YouTube. Once you have the account set up, record your presentation using a webcam. If you do not have a webcam on your computer, you may be able to use one at your campus or borrow from an acquaintance or classmate. If you do not have access to a web cam, proceed with Option 2 below.

You are encouraged to be creative and engaging as you deliver your presentation, however, the information you present must be grounded in accurate application of developmental thinking.
When you have the URL where your presentation can be viewed, submit the link.

Option 2: PowerPoint Presentation
Using the project deliverables from weeks 5 and 7, create a transcript. Take the major points explored from the previous deliverables (origin and interpretation of the “The Saying” and its relevance to lifespan human from Week 5; and how ‘The Saying” applies to the person you researched for Week 7 and a description of the person’s stage of human development) and write the transcript of what you will be presenting. The transcript should be about a page long and should incorporate any feedback your instructor has given. Include the text of the transcript in the Assignment Worksheet section on page 3.

Create a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should be approximately 8-10 slides. The presentation should incorporate any feedback your instructor has given you on weeks 5 & 7.

In your presentation, you are encouraged to be creative and engaging, however, the information you present must be grounded in accurate application of developmental thinking.

Submit both parts of the Week 11 Assignment.

Include the proper file naming convention:
Transcript: PSY278_wk11_assn1_jsmith_mmddyyyy.
PowerPoint: PSY278_wk11_assn2_jsmith_mmddyyyy.