Group experiment at Sonning Farm.

AP2AE45 Sonning field experiment initial sampling

Work out which corner of the plot is the origin (use the SW corner).

Use your random number table to choose 5 sample positions (5 different pairs of numbers, e.g. 2,1 3,4 3,1). Record these on your recording sheet.

Pace out the locations of your five sample positions within the plot.

Use your pitfall trap cup to temporarily mark the position of these five sampling points.

Place your 75 cm x 75 cm quadrat over the centre of the first sample point and record the area (percentage of the quadrat area) in each of the broad vegetation categories (e.g. Grass, Forb, Bare Ground). Record as ‘% cover’.

Now record the area (percentage of the quadrat area) of the more common plant species. Do not count the plants. These % cover values should be consistent with the broad categories estimated in stage 1, so if you estimated 10% cover of forbs in step 1, your total for forb species should be less than 10%. You may need to ask Simon for help with identification.

Record as ‘% cover’ in the left hand side of each box on the table on the bottom half of the recording sheet.
For those species that have flower heads or seedheads, now count the number of plants that are flowering or have seedheads in your quadrat. Record that in the right hand side of each box on the table, as needed.

Put the pitfall trap cup back in the centre of the quadrat you have just recorded before moving on (to mark its location).

Now repeat the process for the other four quadrats.

Now use a soil auger to make a hole sufficiently deep and wide for your pitfall trap cup in the centre of each quadrat.

Don’t make the hole too wide.

Place your pitfall trap in the hole and make sure that the top of the cup is level with the soil surface. DO NOT PUSH IT INTO THE GROUND WITH YOUR FOOT!

Seal the gap between the rim of your cup and the surrounding soil with loose soil.