Business, Government and Public Policy (BUSI3035 UNUK)

Method and Criteria of Assessment

Coursework should be 2,500 words in length and conform to Nottingham University Business School requirements (see below). They are individual efforts, not group projects. They are also exercises in independent research and must show evidence of such. Independent research means self-directed research beyond those readings suggested and/or supplied.

Coursework Questions

Answer one of the following:

Q1 Critically examine the nature of contemporary capitalism.  What might the future hold?

Q2 The State has a distinct role in organizing for business and growth. Discuss.

Q3 Using a case study of your choice, critically explore the power dynamics between business and government in the policy process

Q4 Critically assess the role of the ‘public’ in the policy process.

Q5 The growth of social media is a challenge to the media’s role as ‘The Fourth Estate’ and the policy process. Discuss.

Q6 ‘Big Tech ‘– is it time for a new wave of anti –trust legislation? Consider the concentration of power among Big Tech companies and the implications for Government and public policy.