Discussion: Evangelism and the Gospel

REad chapters 1 – 5 and Chapter 30 of Everday Evangelism by Dave Earley and David Wheeler. Read chapter 3 of The Art of Personal Evangelism by Will McRaney, Jr. Read chapters 1- 5 of The Great Commission to Worship by David Wheeler and Vernon M. Whaley. Read What Evangelism Is Not.
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In McRaney chapter 3, the author outlines content essentials to understanding the gospel message. He also outlines what the “message” is NOT, and what “belief” is NOT – in a world that is constantly trying to water down and replace the gospel through pursuits like social justice and moral deism to name a few, discuss the essentials of the gospel message in detail. Is repentance essential? Is surrender essential? What does it mean to be born again? Why is the resurrection important, sacrificial atonement, etc. In short, what is the gospel, thoroughly define essential aspects .
In addition, after reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Series: Evangelism, as well as reading the article on “What Evangelism is Not” and watching the introduction video for this week that discusses several key perspectives related to evangelism, incorporate several insights from the material into your thread in reference to how this will impact your perspective on evangelism. Based on the material, thoroughly discuss how evangelism should be viewed and be honest about your misunderstandings. Were you surprised by some of the observations in reference to what evangelism is “not”? Are you guilty of excuses? What needs to change?