Analyze a social movement that would be categorized under the broader them of ‘Women’s Liberation’ by addressing the first question of the course:

What is the social movement? (define it)/Why did it emerge? /What social movement framework should we use to study it and why? How did it emerge? (What were some of the variables needed for it to emerge? Think along the lines of emotions, deprivation, networks, resources, political opportunity, structural changes, and/or a shared collective identity.)
In writing your essay please remember that it is up to you to determine the component of the movement in question that you are talking about. For example, for women’s liberation, you could discuss the suffrage movement, the battle for reproductive justice or even the #metoo movement. For each of those social movements mentioned you could even get more specific. One example is writing about Puerto Rican women’s struggle for reproductive justice. How specific you get is up to you but I do suggest that the more specific you are, the easier the essay will be. You can use sources from class or outside sources. Please cite your sources. In exploring your social movement make sure that you are concentrating on the first analytical question of the class. However you should feel free to start exploring the other questions in this first essay as well or you can expand on a component of the social movement that you are looking at that really interest you.

Alternative Option: Write about a “counter movement” to the movements categorized under Women’s Liberation. Examples could be: The Incel Movement, Pro-life movements, or even some Men’s Rights Movements. Check out the information I have in the folder ‘Counter Movements’ in the ‘Supplemental Information’ menu tab to help you write this paper. Be sure to still answer the same analytical question.