Yesterday the Board of Trustees for the hospital where you are employed held their monthly meeting to review hospital operations. One of the board members, Bob Overboard, became very concerned about the preparedness of the hospital for the upcoming Joint Commission survey which is anticipated to occur within three to six months. The other board members attempted to assure Bob that the hospital appeared ready, but he continued to press forward with his concerns. To appease Bob, the CEO of the hospital informed him that the director of quality, which is you, would personally meet with him to share more information on the preparedness of the hospital. You have just been informed by the CEO that you are to have this meeting with the board member within five days and that the CEO would like for you to address one of the following three areas with Bob: provision of adequate staff; provision of a safe environment; or duty to prevent falls.

In an effort to brainstorm with one of your colleagues, you go to the chief nursing officer and share with her that you think one of the three options is most appropriate for your hospital. In less than 300 words, describe which option you picked and why you felt that option was most important for the hospital from a board member’s perspective. Include in your answer why the board would be concerned with this issue, as the chief nursing officer doesn’t think any of these areas come under the board’s area of responsibilities. You should use the information you read in Chapter 9 of the Pozgar text to respond.