You are working the evening shift in an inpatient psych unit.  the patients are in the day room watching a movies when suddenly someone starts yelling.  You and the other staff rush to the day room to find JJ a 55 yo male patient crouched in the corner behind a chair yelling at the other patients “Get down.  Get down quick.”  You and the other staff are able to calm JJ and the other patients and take JJ to his room.  He apologizes for his outburst and explains to you that the movie brought back memories of Iraq.  He forgot where he was and thought he was in combat again.  He describes to you in detail the memory he had of being ambushed by the enemy and watching several of his comrades be killed.  You remember hearing in report that JJ is a Iraqi vet.

Please answers Questions Step by Step (Meaning Systematically)

  1. What is the most likely cause of JJ’s behavior?
  2. According to the DSM-IV-TR, name three criteria that must be present to diagnose PTSD.
  3. What is the difference between PTSD and acute stress disorder, according to the DSM?
  4. What other treatment modalities could JJ be referred to after his hospitalization to treat his PTSD and related problems?