A list of approved topics related to the subject of juvenile justice will be provided in Module 2.
You are expected to complete a research paper related to one of these topics by the end of
Module 7. No more than 20% of your paper may be attributed to referenced sources. Support
your paper with at least 5 scholarly resources. In addition, other appropriate scholarly
resources, including older articles, may be referenced.
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are
presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
The paper must include the concepts of juvenile delinquency and demonstrate an
understanding of the content and internal logic of the theories and premises applied to juvenile
This paper will be presented in a typed, college-level, double-spaced format including proper
title headings, sub-topics, citations, and reference page.
Your response should reflect scholarly writing, current APA standards, and should adhere to
Saint Leo University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
The “Research Paper” must be at least 5 pages (not including title and reference pages) in
length. The research will be graded on how well the topic is presented, along with sentence
structure, spelling, grammar, and proper punctuation.