Applying Different Moral Theories

We now return to the case introduced in Week 1: The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Who Refused to Provide Care for Healthy Unvaccinated Children.

Sally Smith DNP is a pediatric nurse practitioner who decided she no longer will provide care for healthy children whose parents have chosen not to have them vaccinated.

This is a segment of her practice that has grown in recent years. She believes children without medical contraindications who are not vaccinated place other children in her practice at risk for preventable contagious diseases and the potentially harmful complications of these diseases.


Review the Beauchamp and Childress (2019) required reading and the four main moral theories in the lessons.

Here are the 4 theories:

  • Utilitarian Theory
  • Kantian Theory
  • Rights Theory
  • Virtue Theory

Choose two of the moral theories you learned about this week. Briefly explain how each of these two theories might supply different ways of thinking about The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Who Refused to Provide Care for Healthy Unvaccinated Children case.