Analysis Assignment

Dr. Jen Ash

Your first analysis assignment asks you to demonstrate that you understand the following five key themes/concepts from Unit one of this course. Address each of the five things below:


  1. Demonstrate that you know how to define gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and gender binary.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of how different oppressions intertwine. Be able to give specific examples of this.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of gender as a social construct over time and space.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to define feminism(s) in your own words.
  5. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the waves of the feminist movement (in particular as it pertains to the U.S.).

In order to demonstrate that you understand all five key concepts/themes from unit one, you can create one of the following. It is completely up to you which you choose:

  • Create a comic book
  • Create a zine
  • Write a play
  • Create a video or short film project
  • Write a short story
  • Create a song
  • Write an essay
  • Write a speech
  • Write a children’s book
  • Write poetry
  • Write a blog post
  • Create detailed diagrams or story maps
  • Create an online “museum exhibit”
  • Create a trivia game
  • Host a digitally documented discussion
  • Create a podcast episode
  • Create a fake infomercial
  • Design a webpage
  • Create a YouTube or series of Tik Tok videos
  • Or another approved idea

While working on this assignment you should ask yourself the following questions to ensure you are meeting the expectations set forth. Note: there are no length requirements for this assignment. This assignment is about showing your instructors how much you have learned so far in this class, and how you are able to apply the things you have learned. It is also about allowing yourself to express your knowledge in a creative way – the way you feel you can best express your ideas.

  1. How much time and effort will I put into this assignment. This should not be completed in two hours. It is much more demanding than that.
  2. Do I understand the purpose of this assignment? As I am creating I should continually ask myself this. I should revisit the 5 requirements asked of me and ask questions if I need support.
  3. Is this my best work? Is this the best job I can do for this assignment at this time? Ask others for their opinion if needed.
  4. If someone who is not in this class looked at this assignment, would they understand what I am trying to convey? If not, re-evaluate, edit, and revise.