Part 3: Present a reflective review of your journey as an intrapreneur/entrepreneur in this project/subject. The purpose of this review is to critically reflect on and analyze existing theories and concepts on ‘entrepreneurial traits, skills and processes’ in light of your own personal experience. Present your insights in the form of an essay backed by critical reflection and analysis that addresses aspects such as:
• How did engaging with real humans/users change the direction that your solution/prototype took?
• What was it like to approach users as part of conducting empathy field work, and then to show rough prototypes/unfinished work to them?
• How did working in a collaborative, human-centred, fast-paced iterative way feel?
• Which aspect of the design thinking/lean start-up process did you find most interesting, enjoyable and useful?
• How did following this entrepreneurial process differ from a traditional approach entrepreneurs adopt to come up with an innovative idea?
• What skills and traits make a successful entrepreneur?
• What resources and capabilities are most useful for an entrepreneurial team to draw on?
• What would you do next to take your entrepreneurial project forward?.
Your essay should contain in-depth reflective insights and logically analysed content presented in coherent language and style. You are also expected to draw upon a wide range of robust and relevant sources (both academic literature and other reports), with a minimum of 5 high-quality references, to benchmark your personal experience with existing literature. Images, photos, graphs, charts and other supporting materials can be used.

Assessment criteria: Assessment is based on:
• Business knowledge and concepts: Evidence of understanding of key theories and concepts in entrepreneurship.
• Critical thinking, creativity and analytical skills: Evidence of in-depth critical reflection on the entrepreneurial process, and logical analysis of engagement in design thinking/lean start-up (5 marks)
• Communication and Interpersonal skills (written) Quality of content, clarity of writing and presentation style.