Nursing leader

Identify a nursing leader you have known or one from historical sources (see chart below) and demonstrate how the leader exemplified ONE of the following leadership concepts:
a. Overall leadership style
b. Approach to chang
c. Clinical knowledge/competence
d. Objectivity and ability to manage data
e. Ability to affect outcomes of patient safety and staff satisfaction
f. Motivation of staff
g. Conflict resolution

The paper must adhere to APA format, style, and citations. Paper must include a title page and references page, should be between 3-4 pages (not including the title page and references page) Minimum references five from leadership and management peer-reviewed journals. The scholarly articles provide the foundation for the exploration of the concepts in your paper. If late, you may have 10 points deducted from the total grade for each week, the assignment is late.

Historical Nurse Leaders
Nurse Leader Nurse Leader Nurse Leader Nurse Leader
Florence Nightingale Mary Eliza Mahoney Clara Barton Mabel Keaton Staupers
Virginia Henderson Mildred Montag Anna Caroline Maxwell Linda Richards
Martha Rodgers Beverly Malone Dorothea Lynde Dix Claire Bertschinger
Lillian Wald Tim Porter-O’Grady Ellen Dougherty Edward L. T. Lyon
Patricia Benner Mary Breckinridge Carmen Alvarez, PhD,
Kipiri Ackerman-Barger