Journal Article Review

You will complete two Journal Article Reviews in this course. Each review requires a one-page overview of the content of the article and a one-page practical application of the information gleaned. Specific information regarding the second page of the review can be found under the topics below. All reviews must include a title page, reference page, and adhere to current APA formatting standards, including using 12-point font. Reviews should be kept to less than 3 pages, excluding the title page and reference page.

Journal Review:

Emotional Development For this review, you will find and read one article from a peer-reviewed journal regarding emotional development that has been published within the last six years. The article may pertain to any aspect of emotional development including topics like self-regulation, depression, anxiety, and stress. The information from the articles should match the age group you teach or desire to teach. You may access articles via the Liberty University Library Databases or through Questia via Cengage. The video in the Learn section should help you consider the classroom application portion.

The first page of your paper should be a review of the information gleaned from the article. The second page should discuss classroom implications and how you can support the emotional development of children in your classroom related to the topic in the article.