High Risk Incident Formal Paper

Purpose: The project will give the student the opportunity to reflect on a high risk incident (medical error) that threatens patient safety; and formulate a patient safety action plan (solutions). Pick an incident that impacts you within your work. The student will:

Review the assigned textbook chapters and other literature related to patient safety and risk including current research based on prospective risk.
Provide evidence that class readings and discussions have been read, understood and are used to support the points of the paper.
Review and apply information from the peer reviewed professional literature
Develop a patient safety action plan related to the high risk incident appropriate for implementation in the current work environment and consistent with the solutions offered in the Wachter (2017) text.
Components of the project and grading criteria:
Description of the TYPE OF ERROR – 25 points
Choose a chapter from Wachter (2012) chapters 4 through 11 to focus the problem on:

What is the incident/problem?
What make the incident “high risk”?
What are the multidisciplinary responsibilities related to the incident?
What barriers exist if any, that make it difficult for the risk to be ameliorated.?
What resources are available to health care providers that assist in the prevention of a similar incident from happening in the future?

Review of the professional Literature (use the library) – 35 points
Description of the current research related to the identified incident/threat.
Description of the historical development of the problem, if relevant.
Current regulations for health care providers and institutions related to the incident,
Description of interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts in reducing potential causes of errors and injury to patients and health care providers.
Use this information to inform the Action Plan

Patient Safety Action Plan (solutions) – 30 points
Choose a chapter from Wachter (2017) chapters 13 through 17 to focus the solution on

Identify a guiding theoretical model (cite literature source)
Describe the outcomes associated with risk reduction and prevention.
Explore some of the learning needs you perceive are necessary in order for the plan to be successful in risk reduction.
List four goals that will facilitate implementation of the plan.