Marketing for a Digital World

Assignment 1: Situational Analysis (40% of module weighting):
You will be expected to provide a detailed situation analysis of a client organisation (Dartmoor Tea Estate). Utilising appropriate evaluation techniques and digital marketing concepts and frameworks you must provide an assessment, in report form of their digital marketing effectiveness including:
1. Analysis of internal and external factors (based on the macro- and micro-environment as well as internal factors).
2. Identification and assessment of current use of digital channels as compared to key competitors.
3. Outline of current target audiences and an indication of online behaviour.
4. Assessment of the organisation’s status regarding consumer privacy and data protection.

Assignment 2: Digital Marketing Plan Report (60% of module weighting):
You will be expected to provide a detailed digital marketing plan by utilising a summary of the information collected in Assignment 1. You need to highlight the most important information of your situation analysis and based on your assessment and recommendations, you must develop a digital marketing plan.
Consider the SOSTAC framework when structuring the plan (Chaffey & Smith, 2012/2019):

– Situation analysis: Where are we now? Macro-, Micro and internal factors (Summarize information collected in Assignment 1)
– Objectives: Where do we want to be? SMART & 5Ss
– Strategy: How do we get there? Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
– Tactics: How exactly do we get there? RACE
– Actions: Who does what and when? Schedule (Gantt, editorial calendar)
– Controls: How do we monitor performance? Measurements, budgets, reporting and management, KPIs

Your digital marketing plan should be in report format and should clearly demonstrate:
• A solid understanding of the digital marketing campaign planning process, (e.g., The use of suitable frameworks, objectives, schedules, budgets and evaluation)
• A detailed knowledge of digital marketing channels, platforms and media
• Recommendations regarding the creative execution of actions and tactics
• An appreciation of regulation, permission and codes of practice
• Clear understanding of relevant measurement and evaluation techniques