Identifying and analyzing a real estate investment opportunity

1.Determine your objectives and constraints

1a.It is important to know your investment goals:

  • Are your willing to risk losing your investment for the possibility of a high return?
  • Do you prefer more modest returns but a safer investment?
  • Are you willing to put in “sweat equity” or do you want a turn-key investment?
  • What is the duration of your investment? (Long-term vs short-term)
  • Are you looking for a steady cash flow or is the growth of the value of your investment more important?

1b.It is equally important to know your constraints:

  • What funds do you have available to invest?
  • Are you willing to borrow in order to increase the size of your investment?
  • How much time do you have to manage your investment?
  • What is your level of expertise?
  • Will you be working with partners that have similar objectives and constraints?

2.Analyze the Investment and Market Environment

  • A thorough analysis of the investment environment is required for any investment decisions, including real estate. This would include an analysis of:
  • The market environment
  • The legal environment
  • The financing environment
  • The tax environment

3.Develop a Financial Analysis

  • The financial analysis deals with determining the expected cash flows of your real estate investment. At the end of the analysis you will be able to answer questions such as:
  • How much will I invest?
  • Determining a fair price
  • How much cash will be generated annually?
  • Rents
  • Expenses
  • How much are the mortgage payments?
  • How much is the profit when I sell?
  • Anticipated value
  • Selling expenses

4.Apply Decision-Making Criteria

  • Determine the required rate of return given the risks and rewards as analyzed in the previous steps.
  • Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the real estate investment and compare them to these hurdle rates.

5.Investment Decision

  • The previous steps give you the necessary information to make your investment decision
  • The analysis process is repeated for various REIs in order to find one that meets the investors’ goals and constraints