Identify and review the college and career readiness standards from your state (this may be the Common Core standards or some other set as defined by your state). Based on these materials, compose your post to address the following:

Discuss whether the standards are more academically and linguistically demanding than previous state standards that you may have experienced. Explain. If you have not experienced other standards, discuss the evolution of the standards with another teacher that has seen more than one set of standards set as the academic expectation.
Examine the academic language used in your state college and career readiness standards and language proficiency/development standards. How does the language affect the clarity and measurement of the intended learning?
Identify a neighboring state and find the standards used there (if you can, choose a state where you share a border or from which you frequently get new students). Compare and contrast to see the extent these standards are similar in the different states.
If your chosen state uses different standards than your home state: What are the implications of an analysis of this type for curriculum, instruction, and assessment for your ELs since many EL students move around from one state to another often and in the middle of the year?
If your chosen state uses Common Core as does your home state: What are the implications for assumptions that might be made about what happens in common ways? What are the issues for timing of the standards and the curriculum?