Cannabis Delivery

Project Assignment

The US domestic market for consumer goods and services is very dynamic. For example, what is state of the art in terms of technology may change, competitors may enter the market, or profit margins may decline.  As you may have already noted, this category is home to some of the most interesting trends in product development.

Evidence of the dynamism of the US domestic consumer goods market is seen in the disruptive effects of digital technology that permits firms to engage in Direct to Consumer (DTC) marketing. Technology permits firms to circumvent established channels of distribution to market directly to consumers.  For example, Tesla, the world leader in electric vehicle sells cars through its internet site directly to consumers without using the established franchised dealer network model.  While potential buyers are able to see and test drive vehicles at company owned stores, the role of the traditional dealer who manages sales, customer relationships, warrantee service and other customer related roles has been eliminated.  The result is a more efficient and direct sales channel that permits the Tesla to be in complete control with its relationship with its customers.

Many other firms have adopted a similar approach and now maintain websites that permit them to market directly to consumers. Industries such as winemaking, spirits, gourmet foods etc.. now offer digital store front that permit them to market directly to consumers and avoid the expense of unwanted distribution intermediaries.

This has created marketing challenges for such firms.  As they seek to invest in this increasing profitable marketing model, important questions need to be answered.  Specifically, they need to understand how to optimize the digital shopper experience and turn Direct to Consumer marketing into a profitable sales channel.

In your group, you may choose a product market (not a brand) that interests you to serve as the basis for your project. For example, the correct level of analysis would be something like gourmet cheese, automobile, wine, etc…. that is, a product market in which a number of brands are represented.

You should be able to research your chosen product market thoroughly both through primary and secondary sources of market research information.  Suggested forms of primary research include observational research, survey research, or focus group interviews among others.  Secondary sources include trade publications, annual reports, business publication, commercial information sources and other widely available forms of information.

Work Product:

When you have completed your project, you will submit a well- integrated, well –conceived, well-written document that includes the following:

Executive summary:

A comprehensive summary of your research outcomes and how they impact strategy and key programmatic approaches to Direct to Consumer marketing in the product market you and your group has chosen (no more than 1000 words).

Current Strategic Analysis:

The current state of Direct to Consumer marketing in your chosen product market should be analyzed in a 1000-1500 word (maximum) summary of the current market conditions.  That is, what are successful DTC marketers are doing well in the product market you’ve chosen?  What are their current strategies? E.g. what are the market and customer characteristics targeted and the strengths and weakness of the current approach as well as the various environmental factors that are present in the selected market.  In particular, consider the dynamic nature of the environment, the drivers and resisters that can impact effective targeting and positioning. What are the latest innovations in DTC marketing? Clearly, a level of detail consistent with your desire to justify your conclusions is required as is the extensive use of secondary market research data.

Customer Research

Intimate knowledge of the customer is required by every marketing firm. Accordingly, conduct a research study sufficient to build the customer knowledge essential to understanding the targeted customers and their characteristics. For example, what attracts consumers to Direct to Consumer marketing approaches? What do consumers want in a website? Then, prepare a summary research report detailing your findings regarding the consumer’s perspective on your research question.  You should describe the methods used to research your market, the results of your research process, a discussion of your findings and a conclusion.  Your conclusion should answer all questions about how to market directly to consumers. You should be able to accomplish this in 1000 to 1500 words.

Market Analysis

Based on your customer research, briefly summarize (1000 to 1500 word maximum,) the major problems and opportunities inherent in a Direct to Consumer approach in your chosen market, such as the relative positioning and strength of competitors, potential and anticipated competitive reactions, cannibalization and other strategic marketing issues.  What is the future of Direct to Consumer Marketing? How are company websites evolving? Support your observations both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Strategic Implications/Recommendations:

You will then describe your strategic approach as a result of the research you conduct. What is your recommendation to firms considering using DTC marketing channels? How do you suggest they take advantage of the potential opportunities you have identified?  How should firms craft the ultimate DTC customer experience?  How should firms measure success in terms of their DTC marketing efforts?

This section should include your justification and support for your conclusions, and key elements of forward looking strategy (promotions, brand messaging, creative strategy ) required to implement the recommendations you suggest.  You should be able to accomplish this in less than 2000 words.

In addition to your written document, you will also record a short (15 minute maximum) presentation of your project and upload it to be graded.