Social justice theories

Instructions for this Assignment

The purpose is for students to connect course material to “real world” issues outside of the classroom, provide students an opportunity to practice analyzing current issues through a social justice lens, as well as providing students an opportunity to apply course material to the world outside of the classroom.

In this social justice introductory course, students have covered the foundational theories of social justice, the principles of social justice, the social movements that arose in an attempt to realize social justice, and those institutions having an effect upon and being affected by activism and the advocates for social justice.

In the final section, it is time to discuss and put all of those ideas together– to synthesize them– and use that knowledge to write a summary paper utilizing the essays written in previous Modules 2, 4, and 6.


For your final paper, students will select a current social justice event, issue, or movement discussed in the readings from Model 8 and apply their knowledge to assess, interpret, and discuss Social Justice in a summary paper.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of Social Justice by constructing an essay in 3 sections that address their selected issue, event, or movement toward social justice found in Module 8.

Section 1: In one page, introduce the issue, event, or social movement the student selected from the Readings in Module 8. Cite correctly.

Section 2: In at least 5 or more pages, discuss the 5 following questions about Your selected issue, event, or social movement as it relates to social justice and each of the 4 principles, eg, equity, participation, rights, and access.

One page minimum for each question. Provide examples when possible.

1. Which theories of social justice are most representative of the philosophy of the movement?

2. What was the origin of the justice issue and which stage of development has the social movement reached?

3. What social institutions are being affected by the advocates and activism of a movement’s participants?

4. How have the events and social movements achieved the goals of Restorative Justice?

5. What are the successes or failures of the movement in gaining access, equity, rights, and participation for the members of the disadvantaged population?